Articles & blog


Introducing: Projectmanager Sophie de Haan

I worked at KLM as an analyst, but I was looking for a more dynamic environment, where I could be more creative and takemore control of my own work. I was looking for a digital click and innovation. Then I saw a vacancy on LinkedIn for a project manager at Social Brothers. The vacancy suited me exactly. From my studies I have an affinity with IT. At Social Brothers I am involved in different facets: marketing, design and development and that makes me the spider in the web within those teams. This job offers exactly the variety and the young environment I was looking for! I’ve been working at Social Brothers for three months now, but it feels like I’ve been working here for a long time.

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Business Developer Niels de Leng speaking

With an office in Rotterdam, we at Social Brothers want to further expand our market to the city in South Holland. We have Niels for that, with his background at companies such as Hes Botlek Tank Terminal, Verwater and board member at the Jong Havenvereniging, he is the perfect link between Social Brothers and the market in Rotterdam.

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Working at Social Brothers, according to Developer Ryence

Ryence Hörmann has been working as a front end developer at Social Brothers for four years. He started as an intern and progressed to full-time front-end developer.

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Introducing: Designer Jesper Post

Jesper Post has been working as a designer at Social Brothers for some time now. He followed the Media Design courses at the ROC and Communication and Multimedia Design at the HAN in Arnhem.

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